Even though many might not pay attention but maintaining oral hygiene is quite important. While brushing properly twice a day, flossing, and rinsing thoroughly after every meal obviously help to some extent, modern-day individuals must fabricate a proper diet as well. By incorporating certain essential food items such as spinach, avocado, garlic, milk, citrus fruits, etc., they can successfully strengthen their teeth in absolutely no time. For details, check out below-mentioned pointers.
1. Owing to containing beneficial vitamins and minerals, leafy green vegetables can surely provide relief from various irritating gum diseases. They also have extremely high fibre content, which boosts production of saliva flushing out stubborn food particles, plaque, harmful bacteria, etc. in the process.
2. Avocado has managed to acquire widespread recognition so much so that most well-established restaurants utilise it as a primary ingredient in many of their dishes. Apart from fibre, the said fruit is loaded with fatty acids, Vitamin E, potassium, folate, etc., all of which are advantageous for a person’s overall mouth.
3. Both citrus fruits such as kiwis, oranges, strawberries, pineapples, and peppers of all colours are acidic in nature. When consumed in appropriate quantities, these can certainly whiten teeth. For reaping advantages yet satisfy taste buds, many people add them in salads or smoothies.
4. According to a top-notch dentist Holbrook, green tea has some distinct antioxidants known as catechins, which removes germs generally held responsible for making teeth fragile. Drinking this particular beverage can also let people stay in shape, or in other words, gain desirable body weight.
5. Although a larger segment of population might not have heard its name but shiitake mushroom is believed to benefit teeth the most. It has an antibacterial compound called lentinan, which fights against tartar-causing bacteria. Try sautéing them with salt and other spices before serving as a side or main dish.
6. Almost all of us know exactly how significant milk is for our teeth. It has a protein called casein, which effectually fights decay. Also phosphorus and calcium present in milk can repair tooth enamel, which might have got dissolved because of acids. People also opt for other dairy products such as butter, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
7. One of the primary components of garlic is allicin, which preserves oral flora balance by controlling dangerous bacteria. Because of prebiotic fibre, it can also allow teeth to remain strong for a prolonged period. Wondering how can one add garlic to his or her regimen? Well, mix it in soups, pastas, salad dressings, etc.
A highly competent and adequately experienced dentist Holbrook has said that eating all or at least a few food items stated above would keep nearly all dental disorders, starting from cavities to abscess, at bay, thus, present everybody with an attractive set of pearly whites. Now isn’t that simply amazing?